Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Phase 1

Hello all - this is my first attempt at a blog post, hopefully it's going well. I thought perhaps I would explain the title of my blog, as well as my blog ID.

You Don't Know Jack is the game my partner and I are most currently playing during our 'game nights' and at the end of every game the host, Cookie Masterson, lets you know that even if you've won it doesn't really matter because "you don't know jack". So this is my attempt at getting back at that smug jerk. Cookie. Not my partner. A picture of the game is below:

Also, PK-TechGirl is the ID I use when I'm on my PS3 (Playstation 3, for anyone who may not know) and when I play other nonplatform specific games (like Buzztime Trivia). Additionally, it's a Farscape reference, haha.

Okay, customary welcome message over, because I can't quite think of what else to say here!

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